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Anne Margarette Windsor
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
20,6 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Anne was born at London, England. Her mother was a kind and friendly wizard and her father was a thin, gentle muggle. Anne grew up as a beautiful and clever young girl who has long brown wavy hair and green eyes who loves to learn, go on adventures, and discover new things. She has a big brother who's a Muggle. Even though her brother's not a clever and friendly wizard like her, they still both get along with each other and they hang out a lot. Like a lot! Through the years, Anne has read books about famous wizards like Albus Dumbledore, and she has memorized everything about them. She spends the day reading very thick, old, and dusty books in her own wide room. When she's not in the mood to study, she practices playing the piano and she also helps her kind and loving parents to do boring chores around their lovely home. Anne had taken care of many animals back at London. She has 2 cats, a dog, 12 goldfishes, and a parrot. Pretty cool, right? It was her greatest desire to be enrolled at Hogwarts, her dream school. One day, when they were having a nice breakfast a letter came in the mail and Anne was shocked to discover that she was accepted at Hogwarts! It was a dream come true!