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Hunter Keith
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
28,1 cm chestnut wood and horned serpent horn


Hunter could easily be described as a chav. He's usually quiet scruffy and wears simple clothes when he's not dressed in his school robes. Even then, he barely follows the school uniform policy. His shirt is untucked, his hair not brushed, his tie tied short and loose, etc etc.


Hunter is a compulsive liar, even in situations where he doesn't have to be. He often spins outlandish stories in an attempt at drawing people's attention.
He's loud, but not necessarily social confident and tends to come off as quite awkward. He has an incredibly short fuse, and will pull a temper tantrum if things don't go well.


At first glance, Hunter could easily be mistaken for a muggle-born. His mother, Claire, was a Squib who decided to try and separate herself from The Wizarding World due to the fact that she simply didn't feel like she belonged. She never told her husband, and never did as she passed away after a two year battle with breast cancer, five years before Hunter could turn 11 and receive his Hogwarts letter. However, she did often repurpose stories of her family and their various magical adventures as bedtime stories for Hunter. While he never actually believed them to be true, Hunter always found them enchanting and would often escape into his own version of her fantasy world to escape from the craziness of his outside life.

After Claire passed, her husband, David, threw himself wholeheartedly into his work, pushing Hunter away in the process. Hunter began to act out in an attempt at getting his father to notice him, but this didn't work. Over the years Hunter's attention-seeking evolved into him performing petty crimes and compulsively lying.
When Hunter finally turned 11 and got his Hogwarts letter it was dismissed as another lie. He, however, was extremely excited, begging and pleading his father to let him attend school and learn about the world his mother had showed him snippets of as a child.
Eventually, as the reality of the situation became clearer and clearer to him and David, Hunter was allowed to attend and spent the weeks leading up to his first day of Hogwarts completely absorbed in Wizarding history books, hoping to find out more about his magical side.