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Alan Everhart
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
27,1 cm willow wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: 143,5 centimeters tall. Light brown, ruffled hair. Uses rainbow colored eye contacts. Skinny. Tan skin.

Mental Description: Kind. Bookish. Funny. Mischievous. Always smiling. Likes sleeping.

Biography: Alan was an only child. His mom worked for the Ministry and his dad was a lawyer. When his dad found out that Alan was a wizard, he wasn’t really surprised since Alan’s mom was a witch so it would make sense for Alan to be a wizard. Alan didn’t have many friends, but the ones he had, always treated him nicely. They would always play pranks on other grown-ups in the town and they would laugh hysterically every time. Sometimes his mother or father would find out about his pranks and ground him for a few days, but Alan didn’t mind. As long as he got to do it again, he wouldn’t care if he was grounded for five months. He lives in a small town in Dublin, Ireland

First Instance of Magic: Alan’s first instance of magic was when he was doing the dishes at his house. He was scrubbing a plate and he accidentally dropped it through his soapy hands. But right when the plate was about the hit the ground, it started levitating. Alan was shocked at this. He yelled for his mom and when she saw the floating plate, she walked over to Alan and told him that he was a wizard. At first Alan thought this was some sort of joke. But when his mother kept telling him that he was, Alan was quite happy.