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Anna Heart
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
31,5 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Red hair, naturally curly hair but likes to straighten sometimes, hazel eyes, freckles all over nose and cheeks, naturally rosy cheeks, bright smile, blush colored lips, and more.

She is mostly happy, and wants everyone to be happy. She tends to make friends easily, and is rarely ever shy. She can get sad sometimes, but everyone has those days. The more she is alone, the worse her mental health is, and so she likes being around tons of people, and often is.

She had a good life, her family is average sized, with a sister and a brother and a mom and dad. She is the oldest child, and can sometimes be forgotten. She also has a dog, which she loves very much. Her family was rich or poor, and her sister acted like such a muggle. She often felt like the black sheep, but still loves her family and wouldn't trade it for anything. Her Nana also moved in for her after her Poppy died, and they always had fun. Basically, her life was pretty good!

The first accidental underaged wandless magic was on the way home from school, when she saw a baby fox starving, and she only have a single slice of bread. Foxes are her favorite animal, and so somehow she accidentally made the piece of bread supersized. The baby fox no longer starved, and gained the strength to hunt and care for himself. She felt pretty good about that, and just walked home smiling.