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Enola Brave
Canterbury, England
First year, Gryffindor
29,5 cm silver lime wood and dragon heartstring
Enola Maria Brave

Physical Description: Her full name is Enola Maria Brave but she only uses Enola Brave. Enola Brave is a funny and nice girl, she has blue eyes and Black hair. She dyed it pink when she was 7 but the color washed out. She has a box full of lenses in different colors like green, black, red, and yellow. She want's to dye her hair red to look like a ginger. She is 1'60 cm tall and is 11.

Mental Description: Enola is a silent and nice girl, she spends most her time reading or studying in her common room. When she is not studying she is out with her friends. She likes to help other students with studying in her free time. She mostly meets them in the library.

Biography: Enola's family wasn't really happy that she got accepted at Hogwarts, her parents hated magic. Her friends were really mean to her at home, they didn't know she were a witch. Her home life wasn't as bad as people think, despite they didn't like magic they were actually very nice. Enola has no siblings, only her step mother and father. Enola has a stepmom that lives with her muggle dad, Because her witch mom left to go on adventures and that is why her dad and stepmom hates magic.

First Instance of Magic: When Enola was 9 years old she and her family was on vacation, her step mother had locked her into the bathroom by accident. But 5 seconds later Enola had smashed open the door with magic. After that her parents were afraid of what she was capable of, so they told her to stay in her room most of the time.