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Elysia Durwood
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
32,8 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Elysia Marie Durwood was born in London England on July 18. A half-blood witch, she hails from a middle-class family. Her father, Jonathan, a wizard, works in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic; her mother, Renee, a Muggle, is a nurse at a local hospital.

An only child, Elysia was lavished with love and affection from both of her parents. Her childhood was a happy one; she was able to learn about both the wizarding and Muggle worlds at the same time, although truth be told, and despite the fact that she married a wizard, her mother hoped that Elysia was not magical, believing that magic was incompatible with young ladies of any sort of worth. Naturally, Jonathan Durwood disagreed with his wife's assessment of his world, and as such made it even more of a point to teach Elysia about her heritage as a witch (though his daughter wouldn't show any signs of magic until she was eight).

Elysia has brown hair and brown eyes, with very fair skin. She keeps her hair down for the most part; the only time you'll see her with her hair up in a ponytail is when she's flying around on a broomstick during flying lessons at school, or during Potions and Herbology classes. You can often see her wearing a tiny dragon's tooth necklace on the weekends, a present given to her by her father when she first showed signs of magic.

Personality wise, Elysia Durwood is quite precocious and outgoing. She rarely meets people she doesn't like, and even when she does come across someone who rubs her the wrong way, she makes it a point to give them the benefit of the doubt, i.e., thinking that perhaps the other person was having a bad day, which is why they were in a bad mood. That having been said, she does have a stubborn streak to her and tends to like to have things her way or no way at all.