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Alfie Webster
Sheffield, England
First year, Ravenclaw
35,1 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
My name is Alfie Webster I was born on the 10th March 2009. I'm a Half-Blood of the house Webster.
I like sports as I am a fast runner, athletic and strong for my age.
We use muggle technology in our home as we live in a muggle street so i'm used to muggle terms and like to play on my Xbox with my father. I played for my local football team until I turned 11 as it was time to start cutting ties with my muggle friends. I can be quite funny with witty and sarcastic comment and can be a true friend in a time of need.
I turned 11 last march and celebrated watching a movie- my eye colour is green which I inherited from my father and I am tall for my age at 5ft 0. My hair is brown at a medium length. I have good muscles which show my daily work out which consists of running and weights.
I live with my parents and sister in Sheffield and was home-schooled up until the point where I got my Hogwarts letter. I was taught in basic English, basic knowledge of magic and spells and pure blood etiquette.
My father is a Pure-blood however my mother is Muggle-Born so she had influence as bringing in muggle technology into our lives.
I have 1 sibling called Molly 4 years older in Beuxbaton
My first accidental magic was at 1 year old turning my fathers hair pink and making it grow 3 feet long (so I'm told). I've done multiple other magic where my parents have had to cover with the muggles but it worked out and they're excuse is that I'm a powerful wizard.