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Mercer Blackmoor
Staines, England
First year, Slytherin
30,4 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Mercer Caspian Blackmoor is an eleven year old male whose birthday is on October 15th. He has somewhat long, platinum blonde hair that is occasionally untamable. His eyes are blue (but may sometimes appear aqua) and he has barely visible freckles dusted across his nose and cheeks. At the moment, he stands at 5'3 but is expected to grow quite a bit in the coming years. 

Mercer has been around magic all his life. Being a pure blood, he has house elves and ever since he was a child he enjoyed watching the house elves use their magic to do chores. His mother attended Beauxbatons Academy while his father attended Hogwarts. Mercer is an only child although he wishes he had a younger brother. He and his parents live in a mansion in Staine, England.

Despite the fact that he is a pure blood, Mercer does not believe in pure blood superiority. His mother and father believe in it but Mercer was most influenced by his aunt since his parents were rarely paying attention to him as a child. He can be a bit of a devil most of the time with all of his lying and jabs at others but he is a good person overall and incredibly intelligent and mature for his age. He is also a huge book worm but quite periodically. He's not very consistent. He seeks for perfection in everything he (and others) does, especially when it comes to talents/hobbies. In his opinion, Mercer is very cool but some may disagree.