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Carrie Ford
Sittingbourne, England
First year, Hufflepuff
26,0 cm mayhaw wood and snallygaster heartstring
Hey im Carrie Ford i can be bubbly and out going but,I can also be shy and keep to myself and im short even for my age i have brown hair and brown eyes.I was always different from other kids,even though im bubble and out going, I moved around the world a lot before moving to the UK being my dad is in the army,I didn't know how different I was until about year ago i was doing yoga when out of no were their was soccer ball coming towards my head didnt see or hear it but it stops a inch from my face.

I was like,what's going why is this all happening to and I also have very strange dreams, and once I thought the ice cream was going drop off the cone but it didn't when it should. I was surprised, that I got a letter to hogwarts as I didn't know their such things as that in real,life. As i start to pack for hogwarts and ready to go shopping for supplies, as im walking though it picking up the stuff. I start to feel more normal. First time, in my life,I stop off to get my ward and my books,then I go get and stop off for lunch at the local pub in London after long day