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Stoatland Lucille
Ulster, Ireland
First year, Ravenclaw
20,7 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair
The Stoatlands of Ulster, Ireland, are known for being aggressive, proud and dangerous mages. However that was a past life in days where war was rampant. Now most of these aggressive men and women have retired to the peaceful life of farmers and hunters on the Irish countrysides.

Young Lucille was on of the few children from the Stoatland family to experience a lifestyle that was not fierce or too harsh. The days of battle have long gone became more like stories her wounded ancestors will talk about. They also talk of the prestigious school tat resides in Scotland, Hogwarts. To some, this retiring was the Stoatlands become shadows of their former selves. To others, it was a sign that change is good, there is no longer a need for power hunger.

Lucille was no gifted witch, but she at least understood the fundamentals. However to the surprise of her family, she took an interest in magical creatures over the idea of becoming an auror. They supported the idea but were afraid that she would grow too soft and might lose what it means to be a Stoatland, so her family tried their best to deter the ideas of become a magizoologist.

However their efforts were futile. They were however successful on planting an interest of the work of Aurors, which both her parents are, but this also lead to the fact that Lucille never had her parents around. Lucille never had anyone younger than her grandparents around.