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Jennefer Ryder
Wizard born
Haxey, England
First year, Gryffindor
24,7 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Jennefer Claire Ryder (or Jen for short) is a girl filled with nearly inexhaustible energy, burning curiosity and boundless enthusiasm for magic. She is short for her age with fair skin, shoulder-length brown hair (which she generally wears up with any pins she can find) and pale hazel eyes.
Born to Anne and Patrick Ryder on Novembre 18th 2008 along with her younger twin sister Era, Jennefer has lived her entire life surrounded by the everyday miracles of magic, yet she never lost the awe and wonder she had shown from the first.
Growing up in the small town of Haxey, she always looked forward to the day she would finally start to study magic for herself. When, therefore, she first manifested magic one day, accidentally launching herself into the branches of a tall tree she just wasn't able to climb by normal means (and not for lack of trying), she was ecstatic - once she had figured out how to get herself down again. She had spent an entire Saturday morning trying to reach the lower branches of an apple tree standing in their garden, since the apples looked so very appetizing. Her being small for her age, however, the fruit remained very much outside of her reach despite her efforts in climbing, jumping and reaching in any available way. Growing increasingly frustrated with the situation, she tried one last leap - and found herself clinging to the very branch that had eluded her this entire time. After a few seconds of confusion, she was quick to figure out that her ascent could only have been magical, and, since her parents were nowhere in sight, it had to have been her own. Her joy at the fact was somewhat tempered by the new problem that presented itself; now that she had her apple, she was stuck in a tree too high for her to climb - and the height seemed even greater from her new vantage point. Minutes later, it was a very dirty Jen bearing quite a few more scratches than before that related the story to her parents, glowing with pride, the apple in her hand forgotten for the moment.