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Aisling Collins
Rye, England
First year, Gryffindor
24,4 cm rowan wood and snallygaster heartstring
Plot ideas / seeking
Best friend - Being a first year, I'm looking to find Aisling someone she can depend on, and vice versa. Aisling is a friend for life, someone willing to come to bat for you through thick and thin. This person does not have to be the same gender as her, or even in the same house and year! Open
Mentor- Namely, a student who'd be willing to help Aisling figure out everything related to Magic and her new life at Hogwarts. This role can be combined with her best friend for a two in one deal! Open
Enemy- Everyone needs an enemy, right? I sure think so! A rival at school may be overdone, but definitely worthwhile, as it gives some much needed tension and drama when done right. Disliking Aisling from the get go is well enough, honestly, but it doesn't have to be upon first meeting. In fact, I'd much prefer if this was born from a friends-to-enemies story arc. Perhaps they unwittingly betray one another in some way, or offend so deeply there's no hope of recovery? Open
Adventures - Mostly, I'm looking to have some strange adventures while Aisling is in Hogwarts. Nothing that would get her expelled of course, but I'm not against skirting the line of rule breaking for a bit of good-hearted fun. Open
Quidditch - After watching the big game between Hufflepuff and Durmstrang over the summer Aisling is going to develop an insane love for the sport. I'd love for her to visit more games, and really get into flying on a broomstick to, hopefully, make the team in the future. Open

If you have an idea for a thread, just Owl me or send me a Discord DM. I'd love to figure something out with you!