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Skylar Ferrory
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
33,2 cm walnut wood and unicorn hair
Hi, my name’s Skylar Ferrory. I was born in July 2008 in Dublin, Ireland. I’ve been told that I’m curious (sometimes in a good way, sometimes, not so much). My siblings, Natalia and John, look nothing like me. Natalia has brown hair and green eyes, John, brown hair and blue-green eyes. I, on the other hand, have curly light brown hair, pale blue eyes, and pale skin. In addition, I have freckles. While John and Natalia love reading, writing, and watching movies, I can’t sit still-unless something interests me. But for someone who can’t sit still, I can be very shy. One of my downfallS? Sports. I play lots of sports, and when I‘m in the game, it can be all or nothing. The other? Desserts. I grew up with desserts every night, courtesy of Mum, who liked baking. The one thing that brought my siblings and I closer together was desserts, making cakes, eating cakes (when we weren’t fighting over them, of course). Outside of baking, Natalia and John were best friends, and I was the outsider. Mum was a witch, but none of us knew until John started going to Hogwarts. She was a stay-at-home mum, dropping everything to help us, at any time of day. Dad was a Muggle, and he worked at a dentist’s office in Dublin. When I was five, Mum and Dad died in a fire that also sent my house up in flames. My siblings and I moved to London to live with our Aunt Emily. It was sort of like, BAM! Your house goes up in fire. Go live with your mum’s sister, who also hates you and blames you for your parent’s death. That’s what it was like. Aunt Emily would blame us, namely me, for everything that went wrong. Burnt soup? Skylar, make the soup again! When I was eight, I got mad at her. The morning after that, she woke up and went to her closet to see that her clothes were two sizes too small and her shoes two sizes too big. When she saw that, she screamed, “What on earth! I know that unnatural child did this!” I can’t say I didn’t have a laugh about that one, despite not knowing how it happened, but there was something that I couldn’t place my finger on, something different that I had never felt before. It was only after Natalia got her letter to Hogwarts that we figured out that it was magic. It turned out that before, John had made a tree branch jump and Natalia had made a flower bloom by holding it. When I told them about the “incident,” they told me how they had figured out magic, and how one of John’s friends had told them everything about Hogwarts, his older sister having got her acceptance letter a few years earlier. At nine years old, John got his letter. Natalia and I were so exited, hoping that someday we would get the same letter. When I was ten and Natalia got her letter, I saw Diagon Alley for the first time. Then, this year, I got my letter. My letter to go to Hogwarts.