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Jennifer Picnic
new holland, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
27,3 cm hornbeam wood and snallygaster heartstring
Growing up I was living in the States until about 10 years old. At that time in the summer we moved back to Dublin Ireland where my dad is from. My dads side of the family is Irish and my moms side of the family is Native American. They are both witch and wizards, just from two different areas. They met in a wizard conference that took place in Ohio bringing my mom and dad together for about 2 weeks. That was all it took to keep them together and then I came along. My magic started to come in when I was 9. I went to an aquatic zoo and at that time all I wanted was to be in the water with the dolphins. I was told I could not because of my age, and that I had to be 18 or above to get a time slot to do that. I got so mad and angry that the glass disappeared in the tank. water started pouring out of the tank. The staff scrambled around to get the animals in a different tank till the what they thought was a leak fixed. Minutes later the glass was back in place. I thought that I was having a hallucinations, but a Hallucinations' would not cause me to be wet from the water. Instead of my parents being mad they were happy that I was showing signs of magic and that soon I would be in school. I love to draw, read, and write poetry in my spare time. Because of us living in the States for so long and just moving to Dublin, Ireland when I was 10, we figured that I would not get into Hogwarts. But when I got my letter for school it was the most exciting day of my life. I have been for the last 5 years in Muggle classes and they are so boring. So to be able to go to a school that will teach me the magic my parents can do and so much more is a dream come true.