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Elle Everdeen
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
30,2 cm chestnut wood and wampus cat hair
Elle is a 11 year old girl with long light brown hair that goes down to her back. She has brown eyes and she's 5'2" in height. She's extremely shy, and has social anxiety, but she's a big dreamer and loves magic, and even though her father was a wizard and she grew up with full knowing of how the magical world worked, every time someone performs a spell in front of her, she's in awe and loves it. She's very caring and loves animals, especially baby animals & baby humans. She has one older brother who goes to Hogwarts, he's in the 5th year. (He's 15 years old.) Her mother was a muggle, but she passed from a disease when she was seven. She loves reading, and she's a bit of a bookworm & nerd, and she's always wanted to do spells. She also loves baking, writing, and drawing. She had no muggle friends at her muggle school, she's her own best friend. She also loves music and singing, and she has a quite pretty voice, she's always wanted to sing in front of someone but she's too shy. She first discovered magic when her brother kept failing at baking this one recipe and she felt bad for him so suddenly it was perfect. They later figured out, that was her magic! Overall, she's a small, shy girl with big dreams and a creative mind, but her fear of talking to people, failure, and shyness keeps her mouth shut most of the time.