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Raven Yeap
Thurso, Scotland
First year, Ravenclaw
23,5 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Hello! My name is Raven Yeap and I'm 11 years old. Mum always says I'm a young 11, then Dad always laughs and makes a joke about how he's a young 47. Mum is a witch but Dad doesn't have any magic. I didn't find out about Mum until I was about 5 years old maybe? They tried to raise me and my brothers in a sort of half and half environment. They didn't want us to rely on magic for things that could be done by hand, like how Dad had to growing up, but they also didn't want to cut out Mum's world either.

Anyways! A little bit about just me, first thing off the bat is I'm a pretty passionate person. I don't let things fly too easily and I'm rather hot headed, which makes arguments around the house a little messy. I love to read, to write, and I wish I knew how to draw but I was most definitely not blessed with those genes. Two of my brothers were though! I'm stubborn, talkative when I'm comfortable so I can get annoying every now and then, and I like to think I'm a good friend who offers good advice. I like to be helpful, especially emotionally.

In addition to reading, I love adventuring with my brothers and going on motorcycle rides with them. I also knit with Dad and I like to study herbs and help in the garden with Mum. Secretly I love watching her make potions, but the plants are really cool too. That was actually when I first found out about my own power! It was really exciting after the fact but when it was happening it kind of scared me. I was just out in the garden with Mum and she was working with all her magical and muggle plants and all she needed was the gnomes removed. I was 6 and the little buggers freaked me out a little. I couldn't catch the very last one, so I was really frustrated and screamed and the last gnome just shot into the air! Not super high mind you, only about 5 feet and he fell in a patch of hybrid moss Mum was growing so he was just a little dazed. Mum, Dad, the boys, everyone was really excited. Mum was glad the gnomes were gone, Dad was proud to see my magic, and the boys just thought it was hilarious.

I was raised in Thurso, in the same house Mum was. I have two older brothers and a younger. Collectively we have about 10 cats, a few dogs, at least an owl at all times, and an ever changing number of field mice and garden snakes. We just take in strays honestly. Mum makes potions and has her own apothecary shop in town. Dad does his work as a novelist and a local advocate for several issues.

I am about 4'11, 85 pounds, and have naturally reddish curly hair, also tons of freckles in the summer. My eyes are hazel, like Dad, and I like dyeing my hair different colors. Right now it's a dark black layered with different blues, silvers, and purples. I have my ears pierced and I'm excited for more piercings and tattoos some day!!

Bye for now!!