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Cassandra Ledesma
Norwich, England
Second year, Gryffindor
31,1 cm alder wood and unicorn hair
Cassandra Ledesma was born in the small but tight-knit community of Norwich. She was raised by her single mother and doesn't know her father, a fact that she and her mum are totally fine with thank you very much. It was never a secret that she hailed from a family of witches and that her mum was a distinguished healer. In time, Cassandra quickly discovered her own magical abilities at age 3. It was during her mother's birthday party, when everyone was relaxing in the backyard after a hearty dinner and copious desserts. A stray cat had snuck its way into the kitchen through an open window, lured by the delicious scent of leftover chicken, and Cassandra was the only one to notice from her perch on her aunt's lap. As she clambered off, she looked up just in time to see the cat re-emerging with a spare chicken leg in its mouth. Appalled by the act of thievery, Cassandra gasped and reached out a hand, promptly causing the window sill to shut right on the cat's long tail. Her uncle still likes to imitate the high pitched screech it let out to this day, much to Cass's embarrassment. Since then, she's been convinced that all cats have a vendetta against her.

Cassandra is an only child, but her 14 cousins, 3 aunts and 1 uncle easily fill up the family tree she so humbly falls from. Don't get her wrong - she loves them all dearly (though she is not known for freely expressing her affection), but Cass had always felt she was a little off from everyone else. While her family is loud and boisterous, she is quiet and observant. Cass is the 4th oldest cousin, but while her older ones are more prone to take charge in family outings, she is content to sit back and go along with the ride. If Pride of Portree were playing the Ballycastle Bats on a Friday night, Cass would be dragged along to the match but mysteriously disappear before the end. She doesn't tell them that she likes to trek her way up the stands, all the way to the nosebleeds where it's almost empty, so she can sit closer to the stars and feel a fresh breeze whip her long curls as the stadium flags billow around her. It's the closest she'll get to flying on a broomstick herself.

All this to say that while Cassandra might not be as energetic and outgoing as the rest of her family, they would still describe her as far from boring. She's thoughtful and enjoys preparing dinner in the kitchen with her mum as they hum along to a tune that only they know. Ask her a question and she'll give an insightful answer that nobody would have thought of before. Either that or a quick witted remark that still catches them off guard. Aunt Linda likes to say that Cass has a sense of humor that is subtly satisfying - it's not the joke you were expecting to hear but you welcome it all the same. She's also showing signs of being talented in art as she's taken up drawing on any surface that allows it. Her younger cousins especially enjoy watching her doodle on her arm and eagerly offer their own tanned skin as canvases. Just don't blame her if she suddenly takes this as an opportunity to tickle you with her quill.

However, Cassandra is perhaps best known for her inscrutable confidence. Don't mistake her quiet nature for timid mannerism. Though she is young, she has an incredible sense of self that she often doesn't show to others. In the rare moments you do get a glimpse, you would see a girl who possesses incredible inner strength and wouldn't be afraid to show it if necessary.