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Crystal Jagger
London, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
24,8 cm walnut wood and unicorn hair
Crystal is a bubbly, hyperactive girl with a love for exploring. Rarely able to keep still, she has often got into trouble with her parents for wandering around late at night. She often has trust issues, but it doesn't stop her from making friends with others. She loves all animals, and wishes she could be friends with all sorts of creatures one day. Crystal has a liking towards fire (Mild pyromaniac.) She is currently 11 years old.
Appearance: Crystal has medium length wavy red hair and blue grey eyes. She has spottings of freckles on her nose and cheeks. She is short for her age and has a thin build.
History: Crystal has been surrounded by magic for as long as she can remember, even though her father was unable to use the talent. Her mother would often use magic for everyday chores, teaching Crystal all about the wizzarding world. Her excitement about magic grew every day. But her first use of magic was a bit of an explosive fail. When crystal was around 9 she was wandering through the forest when she heard a loud hiss. Crystal was about two feet from an adder, she nearly stepped on the thing. The adder was primed and ready to strike when Crystal panicked. She didn't know much about the snake, and didn't know if it was really dangerous or not. Through her panic a small ring of flame surrounded her, and the snake slithered away from the sudden heat. As her panic died down, so did the flames. Crystal immediately ran home, telling her parents about the event while they stood between the line of scolding her and feeling relief that she was alright.
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