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Maria Dee
Wizard born
Hillingdon, England
Fifth year, Hufflepuff
29,1 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Maria Dee had grown up in a muggle neighborhood with her mother a witch named Laura Tann, her muggle step father, a writer Chester Dee. She had her mother’s dark hair and brown eyes and sharp wit. But as far as she could remember “dad” had always been Chester. He was the one who told her about her childhood how when she had met him when she was only two she looked so curious and almost skeptical but hid when he smiled at her. He was the one who read to her every night with funny voices as she hugged the swan plush he had given her (which was of course, her favorite). He was also the one who was with her when she first did magic.

It was a little after her 8th birthday and it involved a thunderstorm with a lot of lightning, the lights going out and her mysteriously lighting their fireplace. She had always hated thunderstorms and this was a particularly bad one. Her mother was at the diner they owned and had left early, leaving her with her father. Needless to say this startled them both, but neither knew what to do. When Jenn came home the lights were back on and Chester had put out the fire but the look on her family’s face said it all. So she told them. She told her daughter how she and her mom were a little bit different- that they could do things like what the people in the books her father read to her during bed time could do. She showed her that she could do the same thing using her wand. She told her that she had to be a little more careful now, that it had to be a secret, because the other people like them needed it to be. Maria tried to understand her mum as best she could. She didn’t get the implications of having magic, but she could keep a secret, that she was sure of.

When her mother sent her upstairs so she and her father could talk she tried to eavesdrop in her little corner on top of the stairs. She saw her mother talk to her father and she saw the way his expressions changed. Her mother levitated a tissue box to her father and he broke out into more sobs. He heard him say he was hurt she hid this from him, and that he needed time to process but that they were his family. Nothing could change that.

The next few years were uneventful for Maria, as she grew up in her small muggle neighborhood. She only had a few incidences with her magic, most of them luckily at home. She picked up her father’s love for books and her mother’s love for gardening. Her afternoons were spent at swimming practice to prepare for competitions where she always tried her best to place. She loved talking to her friends about the things going on in their lives, and about different ideas. But part of her always felt like there was something missing. She figured it was because she was always hiding a part of her. She took pride in being able to keep any secret, and she figured hiding this part of her was the reason why.

Her mother always told her about her world, about the spells, the creatures and everything it contained. She told her about the school she could go to if she wanted to, when she turned 11. It scared her that she would be going to a new place, with new people and a new world, but part of her knew she had to go.

Face Claim: Leah Lewis