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Elisa Teagan
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Ravenclaw
26,6 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
I am Elisa Teagan, I was born on January 9th 2009, currently 11; I was born a pure blood wizard coming from a prestigious Irish family. Nowadays, I live in Dublin, Ireland.

My interest on magic started when I was 8, this was when I first watched my older brothers (Evan and Gregory) unravel the mysteries of dark magic. Since then I have been willing to become a wizard and live their marvelous adventures. I have had multiple encounters with magic (accidentally of course), I have been able to move objects and produce light.
Regarding my physical appearance, I have short curled red hair, a pale skin, having a small nose, I am thin-featured, my face lacks from the distinctive freckles my older brothers have, and my eyes are green and are covered by thick eyelashes and tick brows. My lips have a pink tone. I am tall and have an average weight; however, I am weak.
I hate having to keep up with the expectations evryone has about me, coming from a prestigious family I must become a renowned wizard. This has made me tough, serious and courageous. However, I still like to make jokes and I am shy, I don't have a lot of friends. I have a harsh personality, I am not exactly an open book, I tend to distance myself from others and might be rude.

A little bit more about me:
1. I speak English, Spanish and French
2. I love music
3. I love reading