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Sophie Bale
Heathfield, England
First year, Gryffindor
30,1 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Sophie is a shy girl that loves reading. But when put in certain situations she is a great leader, or so people have told her. She also likes dancing but no one else knows that. If someone betrays her, she will not forgive them unless they really make it up to her. She is very passionate about the things she likes and once she makes a friend, she will never leave them. She loves teasing her friends relentlessly. She can be very secretive and wary to opening up to people. Her birthday is March 24.

Sophie has naturally blonde hair that falls to about the middle of her back. She also had thick bangs. Her eyes are an almost teal color. Not quite blue but also not green, somewhere in between. She wears contacts because she hates the way she looks with glasses.
Sophie's mother is a muggle and her father is a wizard. He went to Hogwarts when he was a kid. She is an only child but would have loved a sibling. When she was a baby, they were quite poor, that was until, her father got a job at the Ministry. Now they live a lavish life and she is a bit spoiled. Her mother is hoping her being sent here will "Sort her out".

When Sophie was 8 years old, she was climbing up a book case to get a book on the top shelf. The bookcase started falling and she stopped it just before she got crushed. Her mother was terrified, not fully understanding what was happening. Her father, however, was ecstatic as this meant she could go to the school he went to. So now here she is, awaiting her acceptance letter into Hogwarts.