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Toni Bunch
Wizard born
Glasgow, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
29,3 cm aspen wood and thunderbird tail feather
Image~^~Hello! My name is Antoinette Bunch, but I go by Toni. I am eleven years old, and have been born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland. Welcome to my description.~^~

Physical Description:
  • regular height for an 11 year old (4"7')
  • long brown hair
  • storm grey eyes
  • pale skin and freckles
  • normal
[li]Alesandro Badavea: 44, born in Patras, Greece and raised in Glasgow, Scotland, Head of Auror Office, former Ravenclaw[/li]
[li]Elspeth Bunch: 40, born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland, Broom Maker, former Hufflepuff[/li]
[li]Adaira Bunch: 19, Alchemist (former Ravenclaw)[/li]
[li] Finlay Bunch: 14, Ravenclaw[/li]
[li]Lachlan Bunch: 9, house undetermined[/li]
Family Background/Magical Discoveries:
  • Adaira, of course, is the prodigy of the family. Making picture frames shake and kitchen utensils float. She was always an over achiever, showing signs of magic before the age of 5.
  • Finlay is pretty average. He's always been good in school, but has never really put in any effort. If he did try, he'd have a chance of rivaling Adaira in her smarts, but he'd rather go play quidditch with friends than read a book. He was recognized as magical at 7.
  • Lachlan doesn't like to do much other than be with mum and dad. He's still a bit of a mommy's boy and doesn't like trying new things, especially without mum and dad. He showed signs of being magic around age 61/2, while helping mum with house chores.
  •  As a kid I loved to play in the creek near my house with my older siblings. A favorite of their was to levitate rocks and practice skipping them without actually touching them. Wanting to impress them, I'd attempt to levitate rocks as they did. Every week I'd practice with small stones and twigs, but it wasn't until I was maybe 8 or 9 that I finally was able to make a pebble float; if only for a moment. That was the day it was confirmed I had magic.  
  • Book worm
  • Loves history
  • Cheerful
  • Outgoing
  • Confident
  • A bit gullible/clueless--lack of common sense
  • Witty
  • High moral standards--hates mean-spirited things
            — May 12th 

  • My family loves to travel, so during almost every holiday break you can guarantee I’ll be somewhere new. I’ve seen so many wonderful things, but because of this my Glaswegian voice...isn’t so Glaswegian. Don’t get me wrong I’m very much Scottish, it’s just a bit lighter than it should be.