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Terry Valentine
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
26,1 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
He grew up near the ocean in East London, Terry mainly being the only child he mainly went sailing in the summer and had to use his imagination. He grew up with his father most of the time who was a pilot and an Actor so he was away for certain amount of months but that never bothered him since he was okay being alone for long periods of time. Like sure their where people to keep him company and all but he wasn't interested. That's why he had multiple different odd pets like for his 2nd Birthday he got a pug dog on his 4th he got a border collie mountain dog on his 6th he got a bearded dragon on his 8th he got a tank of multiple coloured fish and on his 10th he got a parrot to keep him company and boy oh boy did they. He taught them multiple tricks and tips. For some reason he never wore shoes or socks like he hated them and he was always hyper and could never sit still witch meant for him being forgetful and people loosing him. You could, describe him a tad crazy who would do bold things and had no sense of danger.

He had light blonde straight hair and was tall for his age well just slightly over average he spoke with a cockney accent and walked super fast with slightly tanned skin and light coloured eyes he carried around with him a lopsided grin on his face for safe keeping.

When he was 3 he slipped and fell out a tall willow tree and next to that tree was a fast stream river for a moment he felt panic and expected bleeding and scars but it never came because for a moment he was hovering off the ground and landed on the grass with a light gentle thump hey at least it was a soft landing due to that accidental magic of hovering his hair had turned green as well he went home and kept on telling his dad that he was flying and that his hair turned green. But his dad never believed him and thought it was just Terry's imagination on the flying part he also commented on how his hair was green because he kept on messing around near the grass by rolling on it and so. Whelp he was unsure till his day....