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Lycan Grey
Devonshire, England
Second year, Gryffindor
27,5 cm willow wood and unicorn hair
Lycan has dark brown hair, and deep blue-grey eyes. He is only 11 years old, so he stands at 63 inches tall, and he is pretty lean. He is always wearing leather or beaded bracelets on his left arm. For clothing he prefers to wear plain, dark (especially black)or neutral colors.
His hobbies are Quidditch, reading, playing guitar, or he really loves his animals. It is pretty much guaranteed that when he isn't nose deep in school work and studies he is off doing his hobbies or something related to them.
Lycan is a very loyal and protective friend. He is always smiling, whistling or laughing.He believes that there is good in everyone and he tries his best to bring it out even when it seems it isn't there. He's a bit of a trouble maker, but he is still humble, respectful and kind. He is also very hard working and determined with a never give up, and a never say never, positive and optimistic outlook. He tries to see silver linings in the darkest of times. He also can be really smart when he wants to be. He really likes helping people as well, whether it be just listening to them or trying to help them get over their fears and gaining more self-confidence. He is very talkative, but he tries his best to not be too much.
Both of Lycan's parents are wizards, making him of pure blood. He spent most of his years exploring, or playing Quidditch in his backyard. His desire to rescue animals is how his powers began. While walking home from school, through a park, he happened to see a baby red squirrel falling from its nest. Adrenaline, and more than likely strong genetics, had allowed him to levitate it safely back into its home. He went home and told his parents the story, they were proud, and the thoughts of sending him to a different sort of school began. To this day, he makes it a point to go through that park every day, just to check on the squirrel.