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Antonia Monkleigh
Wizard born
Ross-on-Wye, England
First year, Slytherin
28,8 cm larch wood and jackalope antler
Age: 11
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 74 lbs.

Antonia is laid-back and easy-going, generally speaking, and can be one of the most patient people. She’s confident, with her words and her actions. She believes in herself and her abilities, and that assurance often leads other people to trust her as well, if they don't know of her underlying greed. She’s thick-skinned and stoic. Even when things get really tough, Antonia doesn’t complain, usually because she's already came up with several ways to make the best of the situation. She’s candid and frank about her opinions and her own mistakes, as well as other's. It’s refreshing, and to be honest, Antonia loves to get a reaction out of people, good or bad.

She might joke about things that really aren’t that funny, and be unable to discuss something seriously. Antonia's wisecracks may wind up exposing people’s vulnerabilities and hurting their feelings Her level of empathy usually depends on her current mood. She doesn't mind the limelight but Antonia's more of an introvert, preferring to watch someone else struggle. She's most known for interfering, openly or in the most sneakiest ways. Antonia likes to be nosey, although she calls it “natural curiosity”; it may be none of her business, but she’ll make it her business.

Antonia is protective of the people, and things, she cares about and would willingly lay down her life for them (and has, on several occasions). A good listener and conversationalist. Not above doing morally questionable things to get results, but usually only does bad things for very good reasons. All around, she’s a bit of a rogue, but one of the good ones.

On the slender side, Antonia is an eleven year old girl who's pretty and poised. Her skin is a peachy tan and freckled, also riddled with scars from her rough childhood. Her eyes are large and black like obsidian, set underneath thick eyebrows and sweeping eyelashes. Antonia's face is ovalish with a pair of oversized ears, which are both unpierced. Her hair is long and dark brown, coming down to the middle of her back. Recently it's been dyed blue.

Antonia stands at a medium height of four foot eleven and weighs around seventy-five pounds. She's very agile from years of training so she's quick and well-coordinated. Antonia walks with sure, quiet steps, but she slouches often. Her voice is light and cheerful, like her demeanor, though her sharp eyes give away that something deeper is going on underneath her mask of amiability.

Her appearance is usually impeccable because that's how she was raised, to be neat and presentable. These days Antonia is fond of eccentricity, adjusting her look in order to feel unique or even rebellious. Currently she chooses to change her hair color as a statement, and also since blue is her favorite color.

On March 18th, Antonia, a Pisces, was born to Marco and Zarita Monkleigh in Egypt. Her parents bore three other children, her older sisters Marcella and Galillea and her younger brother César. Her parents are working class wizards, her mother an Egyptian Aurologist and her father a Spanish Curse-Breaker; both of them are Hufflepuff Alumnis who love their jobs. She lived with them for her first few years as they traveled around the world but it soon became too difficult for the children to focus on their studies. Antonia and her siblings were sent to live with their Uncle Angelo, her father's twin brother, in England where they were homeschooled with tutors.

Antonia participated in several activities such as gymnastics, archery, parkour, and martial arts to keep herself preoccupied. Her uncle rarely interacts with relatives, other wizards, or muggles alike, which is why she and her siblings had to find their own sources of entertainment.

Her magic first came when she was eight years old, visiting her grandmother in Egypt while her parents were doing work nearby. Antonia followed other children around a marketplace and wandered into a tent. Curious, she looked around, touching and opening things she wasn't supposed to. She knocked into a vase and it broke, releasing venomous snakes. They tried to run but one of the serpents bit a girl. She cried and scream as the black poison crawled up her skin, but then Antonia grabbed her ankle—slowly the venom left her body and the girl's pain was eased. Some say that she gets her healing skills from her mother, although in that situation Antonia had only meant to get a closer look at the wound for future reference.