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Noelle Carmona
Wizard born
Oulton Broad, England
First year, Ravenclaw
25,6 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
“What are you doing?”
“I’m winking. It’s a people thing that makes friends feel better and like you more.”
“That’s not winking. That’s—I don’t know what that is. Don’t do that.”
“Is it working, though?”

— — —


Noelle Carmona is a quiet young girl from a small wizard family. Her family includes only her, her mother, and their various pets. Everyone else is either lost or something in between. Her mother is a muggle-born named Danica Carmona who struggles between supporting them both and staying afloat in a muggle and wizarding world. Noelle spent most of her childhood reading books of massive volumes, learning to cook for  herself, becoming a decent skateboarder, and finding out how interesting infinite responsibilities were. Her mother is a nurse of long hours who works at a muggle hospital, but she likes to keep in touch with the other side, and with the help of friends she's taught Noelle the essentials of magic. Even though Noelle went to muggle school, all of her closest friends are wizards like her.

Her magic first appeared when she was at a friend's house when she was seven. Noelle had been really looking forward to seeing their new dog, but she had no idea that it would be as viscous as it was. It was a big dog and locked in a cage that didn't look very sturdy. Suddenly the gate broke and the dog made to leap out and attack her. Noelle had threw up her hands to protect herself. Her strike of fear made the gate bang close in the dog's face and she was safe. Even though no one else believed what happened, her mother was very proud of her.

What makes Noelle quiet is her introspection and her observance. She likes to get to the bottom of things, meaning anything that crosses her mind, so she takes time to reflect over her thoughts. Talking disturbs her thinking process so she does as little of it as possible. She doesn't mind when others talk because she's an avid listener and likes to hear what other people have to say. Although she likes to reflect on her actions beforehand, Noelle acts on her intuition in quick situations. Other than being quiet, Noelle is altruistic. She thinks of others before herself and it's hard for her to dislike anyone because she believes that good underlies everything. Noelle is also capricious, surprisingly, as the result of childhood trauma. Sometimes when she gets too stressed she has mood swings and anxiety attacks, and acts on those wild feelings.

Noelle's mother is Hispanic and her father was Russian. Noelle looks mostly Hispanic, with dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and light skin with a warm undertone. She's growing to be tall like her father, at 4'10", so far, but has small features like her mother, focusing on her eyes, hands, and anything curvy about her figure. Noelle prefers to wear unrevealing clothes, like hats, hoodies, oversized shirts, sneakers, and dark or neutral colors. She keeps her hair short, at most just passed her shoulders, and sometimes she wears glasses, but only for reading.