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Cormac McCarthy
Dublin, Ireland
Second year, Ravenclaw
26,4 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
c o r m a c
Born and raised in Dublin, Ireland.

Cormac is as good at causing trouble as he is at getting away with his mischiefs. As naughty as he might come off at first, he is actually a caring child that doesn't really know how to deal with boredom. He is obsessed with Quidditch; knows the name of every single person that has played for the Irish national team since 1929. Though not top of his class, Cormac is a decent student. He has very select fields of interest and doesn't put much effort on anything outside of them. He might lie a bit too much and be a true nuisance sometimes, but, at heart, he always means well and will stick up for those he loves no matter what.

Cormac is average height for his age. He has droppy blue eyes and a messy mop of brown hair. His skin is quite pale. A cheeky smirk is the shape in which his lips rest more often than not.

Cormac has always lived surrounded by magic. His parents, Arcturus and Orla McCarthy are both descendants of wizards. His father is a columnist for the Wizard Independent and his mother works in the Irish Institute of Muggle Studies. At his home in Dublin, the broom swept the floors on its own, the pictures on his father´s newspapers waved and moved around and the chocolate sweets his mother used to buy him would jump and try to break free from his grip.

It was precisely jumping chocolate frogs that motivated his first magical incident. Once, during lunch time, one of his muggle friends pulled out a box of sweets with the intention of sharing them with Cormac and other classmates. Upon seeing the very still and sad looking candy, Cormac suddenly felt the need to show his friends what they were missing. Before he knew it, chocolate chunks and lollipops were flying around and chaos ensued in the school dining hall. It had taken him a while to realise the instigator had been, in fact, him.
