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Victor Moore
Wizard born
Ilkley, England
Fourth year, Slytherin
31,4 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Appearance: I am rather average in terms of height and weight, I am about 5 feet 8 inches in height and 145 pounds. I have slightly tanned skin and blue eyes. My frame is not muscular, nor is it fat or skinny. I am simply a normal boy, the sort of boy that could easily get lost in a crowd.

Personality: I would like to think of myself as kind and for the most part pleasant. I am not easy to rile and I get along with most people. I would like to think I would defend my friends if they are in trouble. I don't consider myself to be particularly manipulative but i suppose I could be if given ample opportunity and reason.

History: I grew up with magic as a part of my everyday life. My parents are both wizards. My mother is a potion maker, she specializes in various healing tinctures. My father is a guard that works for a nice pure-blood family that treats my family well. My younger sister and older brother are both also wizards, my sister will be going to Hogwarts in another two years and my brother is a third year Ravenclaw.

I find my brother to be incredibly clever, he is also quite kind. My sister hopes to be in the same house as Charles, as for me I do not care where I am sorted as long as I have a great experience there.

Life for the most part is nothing exceptional. My parents work opposite shifts so someone is always home with us. Myself as well as several other wizard kids were schooled in the basics, not magic but rather reading, writing, math, history, that sort of thing together. Some of my friends are going to Hogwarts, but not all of them. We still keep in contact by owl but it wont be the same I fear, so I will probably find my first few weeks in Hogwarts to be quite lonesome.

My magic first surfaces for me when I was an infant. I don't remember it of course but it was simple, small things such as the mobile spinning when it had not been touched or a toy being inched a bit closer to me than it should have been. Nothing purposeful, nothing extraordinary.