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Vladimir Athanatos
09 Mar 2005
Bath, England
Seventh year, Ravenclaw
24,8 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
I am a pureblooded wizard with a secret. Me and my two best friends witnessed Harry Potter murder Dolores Umbridge. I know... I KNOW... She was a terrible person and in death she would never be missed. I know that because that is what I have heard so many people say so many times. Maybe they are right, maybe she was a terrible person but that does not mean that she deserved to die. I remember hearing that scream, it was the worst sound I have ever heard. It keeps me up at night.

My two best friends: Marion and Victor were there for the whole thing, so at least I am not going through this alone. It has made us very close. But a little bit about me. I am 14, my father is Greek and my mother is Russian. Their marriage was arranged, something at is more common than people realize. While I have a hard time believing that two people can be told to love each other, my parents really do make it work. I grew up in Wales but I was born in Greece. My parents moved me to England when I was two. Both of my parents work for the Ministry of Magic, my mother works in Level 9. My father works in the Portkey Office. I have 2 younger brothers and a younger sister, making me the oldest by 4 years. Next year my brother will be coming to Hogwarts, I am pretty sure that he will be a Hufflepuff.

My first instance of accidental wandless underaged magic happened when I was two or three. I was apparently quite the escape artist, nothing really magical there, but sadly those barriers were in place for a good reason. I had made my way out into the street, I was nearly trampled by a Thestial not that I could see it. Somehow I was able to escape unscaved. Well, 'somehow' involved magically relocating to a tree. A tree which I also could not get down from. I cried until I was rescued. Over the years that followed there were other small incidents like that, but that was probably my first incident. My parents were big on making sure that they recorded and recognized our (my and my siblings) magic whenever it surfaced. None of my siblings are squibs much to my parents relief but the notion of having to worry about things like that has always unsettled me. I worry about what my parents might do if any of us were not magical.