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Kaito Lancaster
Salisbury, England
First year, Gryffindor
29,3 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Hatsue Ito was just seventeen years old when she and her boyfriend at the time decided to leave their hometown of Takayama, Japan and travel to London, England. The two of them hoped to learn English, expand their cultural horizons, and travel the world together. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. They lost money faster than they could make it and learning more English was harder than they thought. The stress took a strain on their relationship, and Hatsue's boyfriend dumped her, leaving her alone in a tiny London apartment.

Hatsue worked as a busser at a cafe in London - one where a certain Hogwarts seventh-year, Jonathan Lancaster, liked to visit when he could. The two of them hit it off and began to meet outside of the cafe.

Jonathan and Hatsue ended up getting married; after graduating, Jonathan became an archivist for the Ministry. Hatsue was a cook, with aspirations of going to culinary school and starting her own restaurant. Not long after the wedding, they bore a child - whom they named Kaito Lancaster.

Kaito's parents were not rich and were especially lacking in funds when he was an infant. When Hatsue learned that she was pregnant, she and Jonathan decided that it was best to move out of the city. They bought a small house in Salisbury, England; that was where Kaito was born and raised.

Kaito grew up in a loving household; his childhood was a melting pot of different cultures, from Japanese to English and Magical to Muggle. He was rather shy in primary school and preferred video games over playing with friends. However, when he was a year 5, that began to change. He started cracking jokes and pulling pranks in class, quickly earning the reputation of class clown. His grades dropped - it was obvious he cared less. He dreamt of being an action hero, doing cool stunts and saving people like the characters in his games. Action heroes didn't need to go to school.

He reached his magical potential late, at age ten (thoroughly giving his father a scare about whether his powers would ever appear or not). It happened in class; after jokingly throwing a pencil at one of his friends, it transformed into a tiny wooden bat and flittered around the room for a few seconds before dive-bombing into the ground and changing back. After that, it was a scramble for Jonathan and Hatsue to get him enrolled at Hogwarts. After learning that he was going to a school for wizards, Kaito became elated, excited to learn more about his magical powers.

Kaito is, at the moment, a small, scrawny boy. He stands around 4'5'/134cm and is stick-skinny. Despite that, he's a natural athlete and excels at climbing and running. He takes after his mother in appearance, with a round face, dark hair, dark eyes, and tan skin.