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Romilly Parlow
Wizard born
Sketty, Wales
First year, Ravenclaw
33,4 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Romilly is an independent girl who is quite charming in general. She likes trying new things and standing by her own opinions. Growing up people picked on her for being weird but she learned not to care, knowing that she was her own friend. The bullying still hurt though so she became a little insecure and sensitive over the years. Romilly is very straightforward about how she feels about things and will never sugar-coat her answers because she thinks that everyone deserves the truth. That doesn't make her judgemental, because she is open-minded about other ideas and introspective, so she can understand things. Romilly is very determined to be the best witch in her generation, or even of all times, so she will try her hardest to learn everything that'll make her powerful and wise.

Romilly is a young witch with dark hair dyed indigo. It's long with bangs and comes down her back. Hiding behind the curtain of hair are to hazel eyes like topaz, golden and light. Her skin is fair and pink around the edges, though she'd just call herself pale. She has a small and willowy figure. If someone were to pick her up they'd find that she doesn't weigh much. Romilly's nails are very long because she forgets to manage them.

Romilly Igraine Parlow came into the world on June 18th, born to wizards, one a journalist and the other a Head Auror. Their names are Reuben and Catliná and besides Romilly they have two other children. They're her brother and sister Leon and Leslé, who're twins. They both go to Hogwarts as third years, one in Gryffindor and the other in Ravenclaw. Both of her parents were Gryffindors, though her dad claims that he was almost a Ravenclaw. Romilly had a nice early childhood. Outside of school she learned a lot about magic and even rode broomsticks with her wizard friends. She went to regular school with muggles though but she got along well with the good kids. Her magic came when she was in grade four in the playground. She was desperately trying to swing the highest when she flew off. Instead of breaking bones, she bounced three times and landed safely, which astonished her classmates and teaches alike.

If someone were to see her wand, they'd find a brown one with a smooth handle and rough engraving of her initials, ”R.I.P.” right in the middle. The wood is russet brown except for the handle, which is a deep, greyish taupe. The rest of the wand above the handle is spiraled all the way to the tip.

Discord: s00tdraken#1050