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Robin Thompson
Bristol, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
28,7 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Hello, my name is Robin Lee Tompson and I am an 11-year-old female with blonde hair and brown eyes with freckles across my face. People say I am outgoing and creative. I just like making friends! I am starting my first year of Hogwarts soon and is super excited! My mother attended Hogwarts and has told me many wonderful stories. She said that Astronomy and Potions were her favorite class, so I am hoping those will be mine as well! I was nervous that I wasn't going to have powers like my father but I found out I had magic when I got nervous speaking in front of the class and started levitating a little. The whole class was shocked but my mother and father just laughed and congratulated me! It was super weird but thankfully my mother explained everything to me and now here I am! I'm excited to meet people like me and learn magic. It's like a dream come true! My family is sad to see me go but is really happy I get to go through this journey and is already ready to hear the stories I will bring back! I am already saving up for the goodies and gifts that I hope to buy! I can't help it! I am so ready for this year!