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Selene Beltran
Westminster, England
First year, Hufflepuff
22,9 cm hornbeam wood and phoenix feather
DOB: September 1, 2007
Height: 5'0
Weight: 82 lbs.
Description: Dark brown eyes, jet black hair.
Greetings and salutations. My name is Selene Beltran, it's a pleasure to greet the person reading this. I am a half-blood, growing up in both worlds of muggle and wizards. It is exciting always observing my parents using their magic for everyday uses and thankfully we live in a wizarding neighborhood. I mostly like assisting my mother when we bake easy desserts such as cookies and cakes and that's her career in the wizarding world while my father works at the ministry. I was home schooled by both my mother and father and was taught many things about the wizarding world and what Hogwarts would teach me once I attend there. How my parents and I discovered my powers was when I was about 5 or 6 and embarrassingly I had a temper tantrum over a doll I wanted in a Hogsmeade store when my parents weren't looking I made the doll float over to me which my parents saw. I thought my parents were upset since I didn't listen but rather they looked pleased and satisfied that I had that spark of magic just like them. I hope that when I attend Hogwarts that I get sorted into Hufflepuff just like my mother as my father is in Gryffindor. My personality is protective, caring, shy, positive and generous. My favorite animals I've read about in books my mother bought me are bowtruckles, pygmy puffs , griffins, kneazles, hippogriffs, nifflers, and mooncalf's.