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Marybelle Blackwell
Polperro, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,1 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Marybelle lives just outside of the village of Polperro England but has never had an encounter with a muggle. Her parents forbid her from going outside or making friends solely on the fear that she would fall in love with a muggle and end their Pure-blood lineage. Her hobbies included painting and playing with her family cat Arpeggio. Arpeggio was her only friend ever since she was a child. Whenever her parents had guests they would lock Marybelle in the basement just so Marybelle could not come into contact with others. When Marybelle got her Hogwarts letter they hid it from her, it wasn't until a month later when she found the hidden letter she gathered all of her belongings up and ran away slowly making her way to Diagon Alley......She is extremely shy and not good at all with conversations. She reminisces about home and her family a lot and longs to go back to them even after all that they had done to her. She speaks fondly of them to the point of making people confused on what truly has happened to her. She spends a lot of her time reading poetry and books on the human mind. She also seems to have an extreme attachment to animals and tries to find a way for her to have one just like her beloved Arpeggio.

Physical Features
4 Feet
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde