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Edward MacHugh
Kilhallow, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
30,3 cm chestnut wood and thunderbird tail feather
Edward is a dark brown haired, grey eyed boy of slightly above average size from Kilhallow, Ireland. The son of Eric MacHugh and Molly MacHugh (nee Donally), the eleven year old boy grew up much of his life in the small town on the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. His father is a naturalized British Subject and originally an American citizen, who moved to Northern Ireland and to Kilhallow when he was a child after inheriting a home from his great-great-uncle, but soon found that it was because his great-great-uncle wanted a heir, and wanted Eric to study at Hogwarts. Eric proved that despite being born from mostly muggle blood and not being related to a wizard other than Great-great-Uncle Henry, he was a muggle-born wizard himself. His mother is a witch who attended Hogwarts and lived in Kilhallow with her family. They met during school’s summer and winter breaks and following that during school, and in time fell in love, marrying after they turned twenty-one. The couple moved between Kilhallow and Eric’s hometown in the United States on an alternating basis, at first spending every other year between the two and then splitting it so that there would be months or weeks in each place alternating- though recently they’ve settled down to live in Kilhallow almost exclusively and have their American family visit them rather than visit their American family.

Edward is their couple’s first born son, the eldest child out of five, and as such is responsible to the point that many call him dour. Outside of being responsible, he has been shown to be short tempered and defensive towards his siblings, as well as (somewhat secretly) selfish from time to time.

His first instance of magic use was when his siblings were arguing after his great-great uncle had told a story about flying dogs. After the elder MacHugh said that his dog looked somewhat similar to the family’s own mutt, Spot, his oldest younger siblings began to argue and telling his little sister that dogs could not fly, especially not spot. When she asked if they could, he agreed to prevent her from crying, saying as he did, “Of course dogs can fly, especially Spot.” and in the process sending Spot levitating in the air for a half hour before his parents helped get the poor dog down.

His parents were ecstatic when it happened, and even Great-Great Uncle Henry pat the boy on the back. Not that he knew what it meant, but adventure was about to begin!