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Elizabeth Thompson
Green Bay, United States
First year, Hufflepuff
32,2 cm hornbeam wood and dragon heartstring


Elizabeth, who insists on being called Liz by her peers, is a strange young girl, short in stature even for her age. Her long, messy black hair falls over one of her eyes, and it's hard to tell if her bangs are like that out of shyness or laziness. Liz's pale green eyes are rather soft, just like the rest of her features, ecstatic and eager to pick apart anything she sees. Her skin is more olive than pale, and she's always wearing a uniform that is just slightly out of place.

As a person, Liz can be quite overwhelming, an unrelenting force of positivity and energy to the endearment and annoyance of her peers. She's an optimist to a fault, always believing in the good in other people and the world around her. Some would call her naive, but she's more than aware of the faults in the world- she just thinks that being a downer and wallowing in it won't help anyone. Due to a lack of common sense, t's also incredibly difficult to intimidate or scare her- she sees a dragon and she wants to pet it, for better or for worse. Things she should see as dangerous she treats with a disturbing normality, and if anything, she's more afraid of the mundane than the extraordinary. Her greatest challenges are often involving social interaction. She'd face off against a troll if she didn't need to have an awkward dinner with her extended family, or work on a group project with people she's not friends with.

Her family had always felt small, but tight knit. She always would look up to her two older siblings, who sometimes felt like they raised Liz instead of her parent, singular. Their muggle father, while wishing he could spend all his time with them, had to work long hours, and was gone more than he'd like. So Liz grew up on the strange stories her siblings brought back from Hogwarts, reveling in their tales of magical shenanigans. She’d excitedly count the days until she could go, filling her mind with the supernatural and shutting herself in without quite realizing it. As a result, for much of her young life her only friends were her family, and she isn't quite good at talking to people because of it.

There was a time when Liz's family worried that she didn't have magic, showing no signs of magical ability for most of her childhood. Until, when she was 9, when she sneezed out sparks at the dinner table and almost set the tablecloth on fire. It's a story that Liz will often tell new friends about, and it's probably the closest she has to an icebreaker.