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Merry Mott
Bath, England
First year, Gryffindor
22,8 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Merry Mott was born to two doting parents; her muggle mother, and her wizard father. She has two older brothers, both muggles, and a baby sister, who hasn’t yet shown any signs of magic. Her childhood was fairly normal; she was aware of her father’s magical background, but seeing as he had always worked a muggle job, and seeing as both of her older brothers never developed any magical abilities, magic ended up being a fairly minor part of Merry’s life. She did attend a professional quidditch match when she was eight with her father and brothers, and has travelled by portkey before, but attended a muggle school for the first part of her life.

Her magic began to manifest when she was around 6 years old. She was cozied up in bed, ready to sleep, when she was suddenly very thirsty. She couldn’t quite reach the glass of water on her nightstand table, but rather then get out of bed to retrieve it, she merely tried reaching for it, to no avail. Until suddenly, the glass slid right into her hand.

Merry takes after her mother in looks; she’s a whispy girl, average height and skinny, with perpetually bruised and scraped elbows and knees from roughhousing with her brothers. Her long sandy blonde hair is perpetually ruffled and messy from playing in the yard, and her eyes, while blue like both of her parents, are a darker, stormer blue than either of them. Her personality, though, is more like her father; she’s never been one to take the easy way doing anything, and always tries to find an adventure to partake in (or ‘find trouble’ as her mother puts it.) She’s not very girly, and tends to be brash, impulsive, and sometimes careless and even reckless in her confident nature.