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Leroy Blodgett
Wizard born
East Grinstead, England
First year, Slytherin
31,3 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring

A rather quiet boy who loves to bury his nose inside a good book, Leroy was brought up with good manners and an obedience to authority (so far, authority being Mr. and Mrs. Blodgett). Though his parents have always been very patient, reassuring and supportive, not being able to meet their expectations makes him rather uncertain of his magic abilities.

Just over a year ago, Leroy was starting to convince himself that he might be a squib. Luckily for him, though, it appeared that he was just a rather late bloomer, especially for someone who is wizard born. The boy's first burst of magic was on his tenth birthday when he tried blowing his birthday candles. As soon as the flame went out, it would return back on the tops of the candles with a mocking dance. Since then, wherever he went flames of candles would occasionally be seen flickering off and on, small round forms of fire insisting on staying either lit or extinguished.

At the moment, Leroy's ambitions are to push himself with learning about and practicing magic and to fulfill his parents' great hopes for his bright buture in wizardry. The boy wants to justify his parents' pride by becoming exactly what is expected of him. However, his ambitions would eventually shift into being the best version of himself for his own sake, regardless of what his parents think about him.
Feel free to owl me for plots and RP~