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Cosmo Taylor
Cambridge, England
First year, Hufflepuff
21,5 cm ash wood and unicorn hair
General Info:
Age- 11
Birthday- March 13th
Gender- Male
Sexuality- not sure yet

Appearance: Light brown curly hair, ocean blue eyes, serious face most of the time, skinny, average height

Accent: A sort of awkward mix between American and British, pronouncing words either way that is very noticeable.

Personality: Will do anything for his two friends from home, can be stubborn, has extreme emotions, moody, secretive, autistic, is very open to people he really knows. Cosmo can't understand people's emotions very well, he hates change and relies on routines. He as always anxious and needs to be busy.

Likes- His friends from Cambridge, roller blading, routines, Ben & Jerry's

Dislikes- Change, leaving his friends, losing control, noise

Ellie Taylor-Path(Mother)
Mark Taylor(Father)
Olivia Marquez(Best friend from Cambridge)
David Forrest(Best Friend from Cambridge)
Santario Martin(Acquaintance)

I'm Cosmo Taylor. I'm a halfblood, my mother being a witch from Oxford and my dad being an American muggle (No-Maj, as they call it in NY) from New York City.

I was born in New York and lived there until I was about 9 or 10, in fourth grade, which I don't remember much. When I was young, I was very slow on developing speech, movement, and reading skills. Since I grew up in New York, i'm used to the big city life and I have this noticeable and awkward half New York and half British accent.

I never liked New York that much, it was too bright, too loud, too many crashes and too many gangs. The police officers were terrible. The only thing I liked there were the Broadway shows.

My family soon moved to Cambridge, where I had a life with my best friends, David and Olivia, who I mentioned before. We would go roller blading every Tuesday and Friday around the neighborhood, then get ice cream at Ben & Jerry's.

Up until I got the letter to go to Hogwarts, which I had dreaded ever since I realized I had magic. I realized I was a wizard when a kid at my school was mocking David. I got so mad I wanted to go up and punch the bully, but instead the kid lost control of his legs and started tripping over his own feet anytime he tried to walk. It was absolutely hilarious!

I was excited at the beginning, but then my mom said I would soon get my letter for Hogwarts, which would mean I would spend most of the year away from family and friends. I was so upset, I begged my mother to let me stay, but she convinced me into going anyways. And now i'm here.

I want to leave. I don't intend on making friends, I just want to be with my parents and friends. Can anyone help me get out of this stupid school?