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Jason Atwater
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Slytherin
20,5 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Appearance: Jason is a young boy standing at four feet and eight inches tall while weighing about one hundred and ten pounds. He has fair white skin and bright blue eyes. A trait that runs on his mother's side of the family. He has long black hair that reaches his neck but can grow much longer if he doesn't cut it. It will be easy to confuse him for a girl if it gets that long. Outside of classes, he wears a bright blue sweater with a high collar with blue jeans to go. He also has a red cap and sunglasses with them. Normal footwear consists of boots.

Personality: People who hear about his father wouldn't believe that this boy is his spawn. Unlike his cruel and heartless father, he is much kinder and generous. His noticeable trait of his is his timidness. He often speaks in a very low tone of voice making it hard for people to hear him. It's very common for him to be asked to speak up. He is knowledgeable and has the potential of a great wizard, but doesn't put himself out very much. He is afraid of being ridiculed by his peers and professors so he makes sure to never stand out. He doesn't even stand up for himself often taking someone's bullying or assaults to the face. As such, he never speaks his mind. People should know the fact that everyone has their limits especially the nicest of people which means Jason also has his limits. People don't know this, but Jason isn't as timid as he appears. If he reaches his limits he will appear to be more cunning and ruthless like his father. Almost like he is a completely different person.

History: The Atwater family is an old one, but not a very important or special family. The thing most in the family have in common is that they were apart of Slytherin once they arrived in Hogwarts. Jason is the only child of former Hogwarts students. His mother, a Hufflepuff graduate, and his father, a former Slytherin. However, he didn't finish school like his wife and was expelled in his seventh year of school for breaking the rules on multiple occasions including dueling. His father was a very cruel and self-centered man that a lot of people despised saying to have disgrace Slytherin. Did help that they snapped his wand when he was expelled.

His relationship with his wife wasn't a very loving one either. He saw her as an object more than anything and always kept her from doing what she wanted. Jason was born on January 10th. His mother died from childbirth leaving him and his father alone together.

His childhood wasn't the most pleasant due to his father's neglect and cruelty towards him. He only saw Jason as a waste of space, food, and money. He was thankful that he was going to Hogwarts just so he didn't have to see him for a whole year.