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Richard Stanton
Wizard born
Holt, England
Second year, Gryffindor
26,2 cm beech wood and troll whisker
While Richard comes from a pureblood family, his maternal and paternal sides are very different. His mother and his family are fascinated with certain Muggle things, especially Muggle composers such as Beethoven. They are also into Arthurian legend, which is where his brother, Emrys’ names come from. Richard was also the darling of his paternal grandfather, Myrddin and was devastated when he died the Christmas before he was to start Hogwarts.

After Mryddin’s death, Richard’s grandmother, Viviane, moved in with their family and his father took over as the patriarch of the family. Upon her entrance into the family’s house, Viviane took over Richard’s early education lessons.

Growing up, he and his brother were homeschooled by her mother and maternal grandparents to the discontent of his paternal grandparents. The biggest issue they had with the situation was that there was a squib boy a year older than Richard who his maternal grandparents also included in their classes as he was their neighbor and they felt bad for him. His parental grandparents disliked squibs, and the thought of their grandchild living alongside one was ... disturbing, to say the least.

As they got older, Richard and the squib kid became more like oil and water. Richard being very accepting of his lot in life, and the squib actively rebelling against it. When his brother Emyr was old enough to develop a personality of his own, he and the squib became inseparable, something Richard secretly resents. Luckily, around that time, Elaine was born, and then 5-year-old Richard had someone new to dote on. A year later, the 4th and final Stanton child, Aurelius, was born. Though she didn’t have a job, Rosalie was usually busy with social obligations, so most of the child-rearing was done by Viviane. She did, of course, organize influential play dates and hire the best music instructors, tutors, and art instructors money could buy.