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Alana McKenzie
Edinburgh, Scotland
First year, Hufflepuff
30,1 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Hi, everyone!!! My character (I hope we weren't supposed to write this in-character, because I didn't) is named Alana, after someone I know who has had a significant impact on my life (she's my band director).
I'll list some of Alana's features, I suppose. She has striking blue-grey eyes and hair like fire (much like her personality). She is a kind soul and has a warm heart, but don't let that fool you. If you mess with her family or friends, she'll get you. GOOD.
Alana's pre-Hogwarts life was pretty normal. Since she is a muggle-born, she attended primary school in her hometown of Edinburgh. Her mum is one of the nicest people you will ever meet, and she is a full-time musician (she plays instruments such as the piano, flute, piccolo, violin, cello, vocals, etc...). Her dad is a teacher at the primary school she attended. She has an older brother, Samuel (15), and a younger cousin, Emily (7). Her older brother is a wizard (he found his magic when he was five), and Emily has not shown any signs of magic.
Alana loves school, but she loves gardening more. She gets out in the garden with her older brother as often as she can. She volunteers at the local animal shelter during the summer, and can always be found at the nursing home on the weekends.
When Alana was four, she fell out of her mum's arms and was going to land on her head! Until... she didn't. Alana simply floated to safety! Her mum had been expecting this, of course, since Samuel had already gone through this. Alana didn't have a clue, and just kept floating (or as she called it "fwy-fwy") happily in the air.