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Claire Bitterwood
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
26,8 cm hornbeam wood and phoenix feather
Hi, I'm Claire Bitterwood! I like fashion, acting, and making potions, basically doing everyday witch things. I'm from London, the big city. I live there with my parents and my big sister, Allison. We live in a big mansion since my dad works as a Head in the Ministry. I want to be Minister of Magic when I grow up but for now I guess wanting to be Prefect is okay. I went to muggle school for a while and I was Student President. My parents home-schooled me after my magic surfaced, though, when I was nine. Some girl was trying to steal my role in a play so I caused an 'accident'. It wasn't a big deal, she just fell off the stage during rehearsals.

Most people say I'm nice, or that's what I want them to think. I want everyone to be happy but if people get in my way that's a big no-no, so they better watch out. My mum says I'm clever, since I think of a lot of great ideas. I'm never bored, I always have so many ideas going around my head and can't wait to test them. Sometimes I like to think that I'll invent a lot of great things because I'm pretty creative. I have to admit, though, I'm sometimes arrogant.

I have blond hair and blue eyes, people say I look like the younger version of my mum. We both have freckles and we even modeled before. We had to stop though because we did it for muggles and they almost figured us out. It was my sister's fault, she just likes them so much, I don't understand why. I get my height from my dad, being 4'11. Some say I'm thin and beautiful but I'm just young.