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Andromeda Ligsdream
Wizard born
Hogsmeade, England
First year, Ravenclaw
24,9 cm red oak wood and snallygaster heartstring
I am daughter of Millicent and Scamernding Ligsdream. I have three brothers and six sisters... I first noticed my magic when I was six. My friend had got me a Christmas present but not anyone else in my family one... and in my family, that is taken as EXTREMELY rude! But, ofcourse, she didn’t know that?!!
All my siblings were bullying her because of this, and I got so angry at them... I aimed all my anger at them.... and next thing I know... they disappeared! They appeared again at our house! When my family realised what had happened... well, my mum and brothers were delighted, and my dad and sisters were relieved, because all of my older siblings had shown signs of magic at a much younger age than me!

I like to make things... and wear them or use them, in fact... most of my possessions are homemade! Including, all my hair accessories, most of my furniture, all my jewellery and half of my clothes!

I like to think of myself as funny... but sometimes annoying. Heh. I have long brown and red hair, with green eyes. Umm... yeah!

I love reading books, and ofcourse, if in doubt go to the library! I often forget things, but I’m not too worried because things we loose have a way of coming back to us in the end... if not always in the way we expect.

I was born in Hogsmeade, on October 31st. My dad is an Obliviator and my mum was a Dragonologist!

Sadly, my mum died three months ago, from a rogue dragon.