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Ashtyn Blackburn
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
23,6 cm hornbeam wood and horned serpent horn
Ashtyn Kitianna Blackburn, known as Kit by many, was born on April 6th, 2007. She was multitalented for the majority of her life, one of her best talents being her calligraphy. She loved using markers, which left her with a fondness for Muggle items. Kit has always had the dream of playing the violin as well as learning magic. She was a pure-blood who was
always very happy. She was and is a very excitable girl.
Kit sported black hair, which was usually curly, and bright green eyes. Her parents, James and Luna Blackburn, love her very much and still buy her anything she asks for, but Kit
doesn’t act like a spoiled brat.
On Kit’s tenth birthday, when her parents were beginning to think she might be a Squib, she started to show signs of magic. One of those signs was when she was playing with her family’s dogs, Nishka and Piper, and another dog leapt over her fence and tried attacking Nishka! Kit screamed and cried, and the other dog turned tail and left them alone. The huskies were Kit’s best friends, and still are today.
A year later Kit received her letter to Hogwarts. She’s really excited and thinks she’ll get into any house--any house but Slytherin. Even though noble wizards have been from the house of the snakes, Kit still doesn’t want to be in a house with a bad reputation.