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Clara Mulligan
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
33,6 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Born to a half-blood Irish father and a pure-blood American mother, Clara is the oldest of two girls with a little sister named Dorothy. Clara's mother Alisa Frohike attended Ilvermorny, and her father Griffin Mulligan attended Hogwarts as a Ravenclaw. Clara's childhood was practically idyllic, with yearly trips both to Griffin's boyhood village in Ireland and to Alisa's home in the New York Catskills. Clara's mother worked as a healer, and her father, always a talented chaser, went to work as a coach for a professional Quidditch team. Clara adores to fly, and has been doing so since she was a child, and has every intention of trying to play on her House's team the soonest chance that she gets. Determined to allow their children to decide where they want their futures to go, Clara chose to attend Hogwarts over her mother's alma mater, though Dorothy has expressed interest in going to Ilvermorny instead of Hogwarts. Either way, the sisters remain close, and Clara has promised to write to Dorothy every day while she is at Hogwarts. Bright and bold with a talent and interest in charms, Clara is excited for her Hogwarts journey to begin, no matter her fears about what House she might end up in. She hopes to make friends and find her own way in life.