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Lilina Tomoe
Wizard born
London, England
Second year, Gryffindor
21,5 cm walnut wood and thunderbird tail feather
Lilina Tomoe is a cute but cold 11-year old girl with medium purple hair and blue eyes. She often wears it out or in a messy bun or braids. Lilina is mature and interested in using and learning magic. She is full of herself and very egotistical, and she was popular in school growing up. Many people kiss up to her and try to be her friend because she comes from a very high-class, wealthy family with a well known background. Lilina is used to this, because she has learned over the years that people are only nice to her for her money and riches. She is a very cold-hearted person, because this is how she gets the greedy, superficial people out of her way. At first, she was only trying to be mean when she was young to be alone and get rid of the gold-diggers, but this once-temporary personality ended up being a lifestyle as she got used to it. Her father owns a wealthy, well known company “Orange”, and it is used around the world, making trillions of dollars a year. Lilina is extremely spoiled and gets whatever she wishes. When you have so much money, where does it go? She is a spendthrift, a stereotypical, filthy rich girl, and she takes this for granted. She has been pampered since birth, and goes to a prestigious, top 1% school for privileged students. She has never known a lifestyle other than spoiled. But she was never satisfied, as her greed was never-ending. As an only child and heir to the company’s CEO throne, she wanted more. When will earn the name of Boss? Lilina wanted people to hear her, to listen to what she had to say for once, because she was ignored her entire life due to her father’s work. Her dream is to take over her father's job and not only to make more money herself, but to prove herself worthy of her father and the whole world's attention. (As if she doesn't have enough attention already). She works very hard, long days and nights in her room, studying and trying to make herself meet the requirements of her dad's expectations. Lilina was in her room one day, when her books and jewelry started to float. She told her dad, and he was not even excited, but annoyed at the fact to to hear that her magic abilities have blossomed so late. Lilina learned that not only her parents and whole family were prominent wizards/witches, but that she is going to be sent away to magic school. This is good for her family, who wants to get rid of her and her snotty personality, but she thinks this is just a cover-up for rehab or military school, which is what her parents made it out to be. This disgusts her, because she doesn't want to go to an average, not wealthy school that is going to be filled with dirty middle class-citizens. Lilina hopes for an extravagant, educational time at Hogwarts, but at minimal, expects an at least decent experience. Who knows...Maybe this will add to her assets as heir to Orange's CEO?