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Ardis Byrne
Hull, England
Second year, Hufflepuff
25,0 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Ardis Byrne is a remarkably plain eleven year old. At her school before Hogwarts, she never spoke unless called on, and tried her best to remain polite to her teachers and fellow students. She is a gentle soul, and rather sensitive. It is more likely for her to cry than lash out if her feelings are hurt. She adores nature, and once, her mother told her that talking to plants helped them grow. At her house in England, she has a collection of them on her window sill. Every day after school, she would talk to them, in hopes of helping them to prosper. Ardis was also fond of feeding stray cats in her neighborhood. She named each of them according to their personalities.

Ardis is an average height for her age, as well as an average weight (4'7'' and about 85 lbs.) She is rather pale, with medium brown hair that is cut into a sort of bob. Her eyes are blue, and her cheeks are splattered with freckles. She also has two freckles on her forehead, but those are often covered by her hair.

She was born and raised on the English coast. An only child, she grew up with her mother and father. She's led a perfectly normal life with little to no adventure. Ardis was never outright bullied in school--most of her class was quite kind to her and she appreciated that. She had a talent for cheering people up, and enjoyed talking to her classmates.
In her spare time, she was often reading about local plants, or a fantasy novel.