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Eileen Tibbetts
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
27,8 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring

Eileen Tibbetts, born in the lively and dangerous london streets, she was born into a muggle family. However, her whole family isn’t just muggles. Her Great Uncle was once a wizard who attended Hogwarts and used to tell Eileen his magical experience at hogwarts. However, her uncle settled down with a muggle girl, and continued the rest of his life living as a muggle. Now here’s Eileen, a muggle-born witch with no idea what she is doing. Her home life is pretty normal, as far as non-magical families go. She has a mother, a father, and a little brother no more than 10 months. When she turned 11, she received a letter in the mail inviting her to Hogwarts witchcraft and wizardry. The excitement flowed through her and she couldn’t contain herself. She wanted to scream to the world that she was special, that she had a gift. The gift of magic. However, she’ll never forget her parents face when they learned that she was not normal. She wasn’t like them. She was different. They didn’t see the power of magic as a gift, but as a curse. A threat. After that day, her parents treated her differently. They still talked to her, supported her and helped her get ready for school but they treated her like a stranger. The warmth in their voice when tucking her into bed turned into cold short sentences and no kiss goodnight. Bedtime stories turned into “no story tonight” and “Love you”s turned into “See you tomorrow”. Eileen didn’t know why they were acting this way, so she assumed they were sad that she was leaving. Later, however, she will know why.


Eileen is a wild card. She will never miss adventure, even if it’s the smaller adventure. Needless to say, she does what she wants, when she wants and isn’t afraid to say what’s on her mind. Straightforward and harsh but does it out of love. She believes family and friends come first and she comes second, even at the age of 11. A good laugh is the best medicine for little Eileen.