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Paige Woods
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
28,8 cm red oak wood and phoenix feather
Paige Woods is 11 years old, and was born on February 18th, 2007. She was born in a household 5 five children, being the second youngest. Her parents were always extremely harsh to her older siblings, mostly because 3/5 of them were Gryffindor while the rest were Slytherin. She's always gotten along quite nicely with her siblings. She first discovered she could do magic at the age of 7. Their parents were so proud! Her parents are Isabel and Blaze Woods. Both her mother and her father are aurors. They are still alive. Paige has a little bit of depression since her older sister, Violet, died during a school duel at the age of 13. Paige was 4. This has greatly affected her childhood, but she are normally happy around their friends. She has adhd, which is quite a struggle, but she manages. She came out of the closet as Panromantic at the age of 10, which is normally very young for that sort of thing, but her family supported her unconditionally. She enjoys watching her older brother, Jacob, do magic for her. He works as an auror, with his parents. She hoped to get into Slytherin so she can be like the rest of her family, but got into Gryffindor. She is normally very independent, but at some times she can get clingy. She has social anxiety. Bye!